00:04 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Composited smoke effects and black magic elements that were layered and graded, rotoing out the figure and some leaves to create depth for the smoke for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:09 Stray City Shot - Responsible for all aspects. This shot was originally a test shot for our thesis idea, “Stray,” before my thesis partner, Lucia Choi, and I changed ideas to our current thesis, “Refraction.“ I filmed the plates on my BMPCC4K, and matte painted and tracked the building to make the alley look more full using invisible visual effects. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro]
00:13 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Painted out the sword from the plate, then re-added the full blade after the stab and tracked it to stick to the back, created blade reflection using an HDRI we took from the set and the blood streaks using an online element, cleaned up and blended the exit wound, and added a blood spurt element. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:18 Quarantine Shot - Responsible for all aspects. Filmed the plates on my BMPCC4K. Composited online sourced posters and signs by tracking and grading, a new forest background, and foreground car element. [Program: NukeX]
00:20 Red Truck - Responsible for compositing. Plate was provided by my professor. Filmed the person in the trunk as a greenscreen element in a group with my classmates, matte painted the sky, sourced the car door and license plate elements online and composited it all together. [Program: NukeX]
00:26 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Composited black magic element for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:28 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Composited blood bleeding through bandaged wound for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:31 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Day to night shot, composited firework elements in the sky, added light interaction, glow, and light wrap for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:35 Matte Painting - Responsible for all aspects. Created a full matte painting with Maya projection on geo, textures made in Photoshop, and moving sky effect in After Effects, and water element was provided by my professor. [Program: Adobe Photoshop, Maya, Adobe After Effects]
00:37 Cyberpunk Gas Mask - Responsible for all aspects. Modeled the mask in Maya, textured it in Substance Painter, tracked the mask on with 3DEqualizer, and created and composited the HUD element in After Effects. [Program: Maya, Substance Painter, 3DEqualizer, Adobe After Effects, Mocha Pro]
00:42 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Composited smoke effects and black magic element growing from hand for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:48 Unplug - Responsible for all aspects. Created and composited the HUD element, with tracking and rotoscoping for my junior VFX spring final at the beginning of 2020 quarantine. [Program: Adobe After Effects, Mocha Pro]
00:50 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Composited eye glow effect, made by my thesis partner, Lucia Choi, cleaned up the hand out of the shot, and added background flower elements for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]
00:54 Matte Painting - Responsible for all aspects. Created a full matte painting with Nuke cards and 3D Camera, textures and elements made in Photoshop, and keyed and composited green screen footage of my classmate and me into the shot. [Program: Adobe Photoshop, NukeX]
00:57 Refraction - Responsible for compositing, using online sourced elements. Filmed on my BMPCC4K. Painted red eyes onto the mask and composited smoke for my senior thesis film. [Program: NukeX, Mocha Pro, DaVinci Resolve]